Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Oct 24, 2018 Final Muscle Building and Test Review

HOSA Meeting Nov 7th, 2018 2:45pm

Image result for boxer puppy with leaves

Pumpkin Delivery Greystone Farms 10-29-18 Meet 3:00-5:00pm LAB SHS
Cookie Dough Fundraiser Oct 12-26th; Delivery is 11-26-18

Cookie dough link:

Have relatives/friends that live far away and they want to support: try the 1500 items on the store that you will get profits from    code is 1057439

Wednesday Classwork:
Building Muscles and clean up
Review for test

Wednesday Homework:
Continue to study muscle attachments
Study for Test on Thursday
Study for Muscle Test for tuesday ,,,,,
1.  know the difference between cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle
2.  know the rules muscles live by
3.  know the difference between isometric, isotonic, twitch, tentanic
4.  know the difference between endurance training and strength training
5.  know the location of your muscles....example:  know the frontalis is on your head, the lattissimus dorsi is on your trunk, the rectus femoris is on your leg., the soleus is on your leg....get the picture!! study your there are no diagrams on test, but you need to know where your muscles are.both front and back .
6.  remember to review the structure of the muscle, fasicle, fiber, coverings
7.  review the sliding filament theory, actin and myosin.
8.ventral to  ventral produce what movement, dorsal to dorsal........
9.  Know the functions of the muscles you built and the insertion and origin.
10.  You will be required to identify various muscles on the manikens and identify their attachements as well as stating the functions.  You have taken pictures so review what you built!!
11. Be able to tell me a few ways that muscles are named.....and give me an example of each!!
ex....frontalis   ----location  !!
12.  What is oxygen debt? when does this happen
13.  What is muscle fatigue- what does this happen
14.  What is lactic acid? why is this sometimes used for muscle activity?
15. Know the pathophysiology of Muscular Dystrophy, Fibromyalgia and Myasthenia Gravis

You might want to know the box on 217
What is mastication 

Thursday Homework:
read pp 239-245 
packet work;
quizlet on all vocab words p 1 a, b, c 
worksheet on page 2 
diagram packet p 2 

Friday homework:  study vocab words 
bring in flash cards for thursday, we will make them in class on thursday ( 4x6 ) with our glial cells 

Monday   homework:
read pp 245-248
packet p 3 ( worksheets) # 21-30
page 8 of diagram packet 
STUDY- make cornell notes 

Tuesday  Homework :  
label page 6 of diagrams
STUDY glial cells name/ function

Competencies we are covering this week

1.  Academic competency:  understand human anatomy, physiology, common diseases and disorders and medical math principals
2.  Health maintenance practices:  differentiate between wellness and disease.  Promote disease prevention and model healthy behavior.

Learning targets:
1.  Locate and compare the structure of the three types of muscle tissue found in the body.
2.  discuss the structure and function of the skeletal muscle
3.  Explain the role of other body systems in muscle movement
4. Explain how a muscle fiber contracts using the sliding filament theory
5. Name, identify and give the function of the major muscles in the body.
6. Explain  the rules muscles live by! 
7.  Describe the effects of exercise on skeletal muscles.
8.  Discuss the different types of skeletal muscle contraction
9.  Demonstrate the different types of movement produced by skeletal muscles
10.  Name and describe the major disorders of skeletal muscles
11.  Build accurately assigned group of muscles demonstrating 3 main rules of muscles.  This includes name, attachments, and  direction of fibers

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