Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Oct 9, 2019 Classwork

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Reminders: HOSA
Oct 11: T-shirt Design Due....  WINNER GETS $20.00 DD card
Oct 21: Body World's Exhibit - If you are planning on driving please let me know ASAP

Classwork Wednesday Oct 9th
Classwork on the homework

Homework  Wednesday Oct 9th
If you have not completed the reading of the chapter, please do so 178-202.
Complete the packet work, pg 9 (59-63), pg 10-11 and 13, label 21 for Thursday
Fracture sheet to be turned in. Please label the diagram and give brief description in the box on the right. Watch a video on bone fractures to learn more information. 

On the skeletal Bone Fractures: Please use the following terms spiral, longitudinal, greenstick, avulsion, comminuted, compound, transverse, oblique, fissure, impact, normal

There will be NO quiz on Thursday due to the only instructional day being Thursday

Thursday and Friday:
Study for test on Wednesday

Competencies we are covering this week
1.  Academic competency:  understand human anatomy, physiology, common diseases and disorders and medical math principals
2.  Health maintenance practices:  differentiate between wellness and disease.  Promote disease prevention and model healthy behavior.

Learning targets:
1.  I can define the vocabulary words related to this system
2.  I can list and discuss the general functions of the skeletal system
3.  I can identify the different types of bones.
4.  I can discuss the microscopic structure of bone and cartilage, including the specialized bone cells and the features that are unique to them
5.  I can identify the two major subdivisions of the skeletal system and list the bones found in each.
6.  I can compare and contrast the differences between the male and female skeleton
7.  I can list and compare the major types of joints in the body and give an example of each.
8  I can name and describe the major disorders of bones and joints.

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