Thursday, October 26, 2017

Oct 26, 2017 Synapse

Image result for Cookie monster sell cookies
HOSA Fall Rally Leadership Conference Nov 16
Grappoone Center Concord NH
$35.00 (includes keynote speaker, breakout sessions and lunch)
Make check payable to Salem HOSA

Cookie Dough Due Oct 31th

HOSA Clothing Due Oct 31th
Thursday Classtime: 
Quiz on Glia cells

Thursday Homework:
Read 245-247 Nerves through Reflex Arcs
read pp 260-263- coverings of the nervous system
packet p 6 # 73-77 ( worksheets)   diagram p 12
Study for the quiz on the Action Potential quiz on Tuesday

Friday Homework:
Review Thursday's reading
Study for quiz on Action Potential Tuesday
1.  Where are neurotransmitters released from, know a few and the functions 
2.  Be able to label diagram of neuron (one we did in class this week)
3.  Know the steps through an action potential
4. Threshold vs graded potential vs action potential
5. Ions Na+, K+, Ca+ (where they are moving)
6. Polarity of a cell at rest, inside outside the membrane, action potential 

Competencies we are covering this week

1.  Academic competency:  understand human anatomy, physiology, common diseases and disorders and medical math principals

2.  Health maintenance practices:  differentiate between wellness and disease.  Promote disease prevention and model healthy behavior.

Learning Targets 
1.  list the organs of the nervous system and describe the generalized functions of the nervous system as a whole
2.  Identify the major types of cells in the nervous system and discuss the function of each
3.  Identify the structure of a nerve/ neuron
4.  compare and contrast the differences between a sensory,  motor and interneuron
5.  identify the anatomical and functional components of a three neuron reflex arc
6.  Describe the propogation of a nerve impulse along a nerve fiber and across a synaptic cleft.
- describe the differences between a graded potiential, and and action potential of a neuron.
7.  Identify the major neurotransmitters and describe their general function
8.  Identify and describe the anatomical components of the brain and spinal cord, their functions and brain and spinal cord dysfunctions.
9.  compare and contrast the coverings of the brain and spinal cord . Describe CSF flow through the brain, and discuss related disorders .
10.  Describe the differences between cranial and peripheral nerves, and related disorders
11. Discuss the structure of the ANS , the differences in the divisions and related disorders. 

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