Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Jan 8, 2018 Thyroid/Parathyroid Gland

Tuesday Classwork:
last 4 anterior hormones of pituitary, releasing hormones of hypothalamus

Tuesday Homework:
Study for quiz on Thyroid and Adrenal Glands Thursday
read pp 321-324 ( adrenal glands) 

packet p 3 # 23-27
all of page p 6  and page 7 F
p11 #53-69, page 12 # 63-69 

Wednesday Homework:

read pp 324-328- pancreas- pineal gland 
p 3#28-49
packet p7, 12-15
study for Endocrine quiz on Pituitary, Thyroid and Parathyroid Quiz on Thursday 

Thursday Homework:
Study for Adrenal Glands and Pancreas Quiz on Friday

Friday Homework:
Create 30 question quiz on Endocrine System for Test on Tuesay. Needs to be typed with answers on SEPERATE paper
Endocrine on the web. Click on sci/tech, health and biology, human body and then endocrine. Give a short description of each disorder of the endocrine system starting with Addison's ending with Type 2 DM: To be typed and handed in

Monday Homework:
Pages 18-23 To be handed and graded as take home quiz- DUE Tuesday
Study for Endocrine Test Tuesday

Competencies we are covering this week
1. Academic competency:  understand human anatomy, physiology, common diseases and disorders of the eye.

2.  Health maintenance practice :  differentiate between wellness and disease.  Promote disease prevention and model healthy behavior
Learning targets for endocrine:
1. I can distinguish between endocrine and exocrine glands and define the term"  hormone"
2.  I can identify the principal functions of each major endocrine hormone and describe the conditions that may result from hyposecretion and hypersecretion of that hormone
3.  I can decribe the mechanism of steroid and  nonsteroid hormone action,and  how hormones move throught the body  
4.  I can explain how negative and positive feedback mechanisms regulate the secretion of hormones and maintain homeostasis
5.  I can identify and locate the primary endocrine glands , list the major hormones produced by each gland and identify disorders of the endocrine system
6. I can explain how the endocrine and nervous system work together to regulate body functions

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