Monday, December 15, 2014

Dec 15, 2014

Hi Seniors... Have a great week. 
Continue to study your material you learn this week. 
Sweatshirts and t shirts will be here by the end of the week! yeah!

Parathyroid gland: Parathyroid Hormone
Hyper and hypo parathyroid disorders
Adrenal Glands

Homework: from NOW until Christmas Week

Monday: Dec 15 
Study for Quiz on Tues on the Thyroid/Parathyroid Gland. 

Here is some study guide info.

1.  know the hormones produced by the thyroid gland/parathyroid gland and their function.
2.  What mineral must be present for the thyroid to produce its hormones
3.  Which of the two hormones produced by the thyroid gland is most abundant?
4.  When TSH binds to its receptor site on the thyroid gland.....what is produced and enters the central cavity of the follicle?
5.  make sure you know which of the two hormones  .... calcitonin/ parathormone is the main regulator of calcium in the blood,.  Which ones raises the levels, which one lowers the levels.... 
6. Where are the target cells for the parathormone?
7.  Make sure you can describe the process beginning with the hypothalamus ......and TRH/TSH to how levels of T3 and T4 get into the blood. 
8.  Know which hormone stimulates osteoblasts, osteoclast and what happens when they are stimulated.
9.  Know where the hormones are produced in the thyroid gland
10.  know the diseases of overproduction and underproduction of these hormones. 
11. How do we treat these diseases.?

Tuesday: Dec 16 
Study Adrenal Gland information
Make up 15 quiz questions on the Adrenal information

Wednesday: Dec 17 Pancreas
read pp 363-365
packet p 4 # 31-35  
packet p 7 Letter G

Thursday; Dec 18
Study for Quiz on Friday on Adrenal Glands

Friday:  Dec 19 Gonads, Thymus, Pineal Gland
Read pp 366-369, packet pg 4 #'s 36-40, complete pg 7, pg 12-13
Make up a list of 10 questions you don't understand about this material you read

Monday Dec 22: 
Pages 18-23 in Packet
Study for Test on Tuesday.

Endocrine Test will be on Dec 23, 2014 

Upcoming Dates to remember
Hosa Deposit for States due December 19th
Don't forget to bring in $1 for the Foster kids
If you want to donate to the family of 3 you can either bring in cash to take a collection of get items of your own and we can put a basket together. Let's try to give to this family so these children can be smiling on Christmas morning. 

Children are 
Girl 9  size 12-14
Likes make up/nail polish/frozen
Boy 5 size 6-7
Likes Trains
Girl 3 size 4-5
Likes Dora the Explorer

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